Jydge switch vs ps4
Jydge switch vs ps4

The solution in this case is to go after one goal at a time. For example, one stage may ask you to kill certain gang officers while also tasking you with not killing anyone at all. The setup is interesting because there will be times when you'll have to replay a stage due to conflicting objectives. The objectives are also separate from one another, so they don't have to be completed in a single run. All of the stages are small, which helps since you'll die often and will be sent back to the beginning. For example, one stage may ask players to confiscate all of the goods, rescue the hostages, and complete the stage in a very short amount of time. Each of the 20 levels has three medals to obtain, but instead of doling them out based on performance, they're all objective-based. Unless you change difficulty levels, there will be no surprises when you go into a stage for the second time. Enemy placement is also the same, so if you were previously ambushed in a spot, you'll know to prepare for it the next time you play the level. Level layouts are static, so you know all of the stage's pathways every time you play. The one thing that Jydge doesn't do is take on traits of a roguelike the way Neon Chrome does.

jydge switch vs ps4

Adding to the fun is the fact that the game supports local co-op play, where the second player has access to your weapons and abilities, so everyone is on an even playing field. The level layouts help in boss fights, as you can try to get some breathing room via the labyrinthine buildings or create an own escape route if you're feeling crowded.

jydge switch vs ps4

Various guns modifications are a joy to use when you tire of the more conventional basic and shotgun rounds, so players can enjoy lasers that bounce off objects or orbs that shock people it encounters. If you're trying to be sneaky, it's fun to send out some drones to clean out a stage. The tools and abilities amplify the solid gunplay. Completing goals gives you all sorts of upgrades, from having a companion bot to deal some extra firepower or the ability to automatically administer a constant electric shock when you're near an enemy.

jydge switch vs ps4

While there are still some objects that are sturdy against explosions and gunfire, most of the walls can be blown apart to either give you an alternate path to a room or destroy any cover that someone may be hiding behind. Set in the same world as Neon Chrome, albeit as a prequel, Jydge has some of the same gameplay mechanics beyond being a twin-stick shooter with melee capabilities.

Jydge switch vs ps4